Maynooth, although ‘cleaner than European norms’, has slipped to 14th position.
Naas is the cleanest out of 40 towns and cities.
Maynooth, although ‘cleaner than European norms’, slipped to 14th position.
With Naas clinching the top spot, Dublin City Centre failed to improve and is still ‘littered’.
Ballybane in Galway slipped to bottom of the rankings but no town was judged to be a 'litter blackspot'.
There's been a fall of over a third in the number of towns across the country branded 'littered'.
The first IBAL survey since the introduction of the ReTurn Recycling system, found far fewer cans and plastic bottles thrown on our streets.
According to An Taisce, Naas has managed to sustain the great work of recent years through a sustained community effort.
With regard to Maynooth, An Taisce said Court House Square is "a lovely town centre environment and the residential area of Moyglare Manor was exceptionally freshly presented and maintained".
It said while there were a number of moderately littered areas, the site which brought down Maynooth’s overall ranking was the Recycle Facility at Tesco – there was litter/dumping between the units, much of it ‘long-lie’ - indicating a lack of thorough cleaning for quite some time.