The project failed to win URDF funding earlier this year.
Kildare County Council is being called on to progress the design of a second Liffey brdige in Newbridge.
The project failed to win funding under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund earlier this year.
The council is now being urged to move forward with design of the project, as it may "greatly increase" the chance of winning funding.
Kildare South Fine Gael TD, and Minister of State, Martin Heydon, says "This requires Kildare County Council to now undertake a detailed design of the new bridge and to bring it through the Part VIII planning process. While a review of all potential funding streams for this key project is required, the fact that we have now been unsuccessful twice in our applications to the URDF I believe, means we should put our energy into other funding streams such as potential Department of Transport schemes.”
Deputy Heydon adds “Whatever funding stream is next applied for, our chances of a successful outcome will be greatly increased by making the project shovel ready now and I will continue to work closely with Kildare County Council to see that happen as soon as possible, to help end the significant congestion in Newbridge,” Minister Heydon concluded.