Pandemic rent freeze due to expire in 6 weeks' time.
Tenants living in rent pressure zones, including all of Co. Kildare, could be facing a price increase of 8 percent from the 13th of July.
The government introduced a rent freeze last year due to the pandemic, but it's due to lift in July, meaning landlords can increase the rent for this year and last year.
There are around 12,000 households in Kildare living in privately rented accommodation and more than 326,493, nationwide.
🚨 The way Rent Pressure Zones were set up means where a landlord carries out a rent review for the first time in two years, a total increase of 8pc increase can apply from this July.
— Kevin Doyle (@KevDoyle_Indo) May 28, 2021
Rent trap: tenants face double hike in prices as freeze ends
There are now calls on the government to re-impose a full freeze on rents and a complete ban on evictions until the end of the pandemic.
People Before Profit TD, Paul Murphy says an 8 percent hike in rent is too high
Deputy Murphy says rent is already very expensive for a lot of people:
Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien says he'll be looking to introduce new rent protection systems in Autumn:
CEO of SpunOut.ie Ian Power has called on the government to extend the measures, as they will have a huge impact on young people: