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It Is No Secret

Tractor, Lorry, Cement Truck: Kildare Gardai Target Mobile Phone Use On Roads, Issuing 15 Fines In The Past 24 Hours

Each offending driver received an FCPN of €120 along with three penalty points

In the past 24 hours, Kildare Gardai have taken action against motorists who flout road safety regulations by using mobile phones while driving.

A total of 15 Fixed Charge Penalty Notices (FCPNs) were issued by Naas Roads Policing.

Among the notable cases were instances involving a Tractor on the N7 in Naas, an Articulated Lorry in Prosperous, and a Cement Lorry in Kilcullen.

Statistics reveal the gravity of the situation, indicating that making a call increases the likelihood of a collision by four times, while texting raises the risk by a staggering 23 times.

Each offending driver received a fine of €120 along with three penalty points.

Separately, Gardai detected eight people driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the past week throughout Kildare.

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