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Wicklow Pride's Patrick Bracken Calls Out "Disgraceful" Hate As Rainbow Disco Forced To Postpone

Some people in the area called organisers "groomers" and "paedophiles".

A planned rainbow disco in Wicklow was postponed after a number of comments were made about the organisers.

Speaking on Kildare Today, Patrick Bracken, Chair of Wicklow Pride, said a small minority of people in Newtownmountkennedy were making "baseless" comments and threatening protests.

He said some of the protests in the area have an aggressive element and Wicklow Pride are not risking the safety of teenagers who had planned to attend the disco.

Some people in the area called organisers "groomers" and "paedophiles".

Patrick said he has thick skin but some people on the receiving end of the abuse are horrified, with one person receiving a note with the word "paedo" through their door.

He said the baseless comments tend to increase in the run up to Pride events but it has "gone too far".

He said "we are angry...it's just an absolute disgrace".

"It angers us that this is still happening. What does my sexuality or gender identity have to do with other people? You develop a thick skin but these kind of comments makes us shout even louder."

He said the event was about promoting inclusivity and safe spaces.

"It's just a disco," he said.


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