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Willow Weaving and Knit and Knatter group Monasterevin are looking for people to join their group.
On Tuesday 8th March at 11am in The Hopkins Garden,Monasterevin there will be an in person event with refreshments afterwards.
Sr Ann Kelly is the group leader and learner, Willow Weaving, Knot and Knatter, Monasterevin and is encouraging people to get involved.
"Really education for the older age group is vital," she said.
Beth Murphy is the Tutor, and willow weaver at the group, and she has been teaching two groups of around ten in the town.
Members can sign on as an individual or an sign up in a group.
Beth commented: "My craft brought me into it.
"It's all about sustainability and working with natural materials.
"It's never too late to learn," she said.
People who would like to get involved can find more information on the Willow Wonder website.
Information on the group is also available on the Facebook page.