Adoption Authority of Ireland report
The second in a series of 5 reports, on 'Intercountry Adoption in Ireland: Experiences, Supports, Challenges Country Briefings' by the Adoption Authority of Ireland, focuses on Vietnam.
Between 1988 & 2020, 914 children were adopted from Vietnam , into Ireland.
Prior to November 2010, the average age at adoption was 7 months.
Since then, the average age has risen to 2 years old.
Between 1988 & 2020, 29 Vietnamese children were adopted by families in Co. Kildare.
The highest total nationally was in Co. Cork, at 214.
The report notes "Adoptions from Vietnam into Ireland were suspended for a number of years after 2009 while Vietnam completely re-structured its adoption system".
Research officer with the AAI, Judy Lovett, joined Clem Ryan on this morning's 'Kildare Today':