The extra support means that €240 per child will be paid this month in respect of more than 1.2 million children.
A once-off additional €100 in Child Benefit is being paid this month to help 650,000 families with the cost of living.
The extra support means that €240 per child will be paid this month in respect of more than 1.2 million children.
An additional €100 payment is also being made from this month for each child for whom the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance is paid.
For a child aged 4-11, the payment will be €260 and €385 for those aged 12-22.
The measures were announced by the Government in February as part of a €410m social welfare package to support families, pensioners, carers and people with disabilities.
They also included a lump sum of €200 to people in receipt of long-term social welfare payments and a €200 payment for some Working Family Payment recipients.
Both of these were made in April.