That's a 20% drop.
The rate of unemployment dropped to 7.9 per cent in October, including those in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment.
CSO figures show that's down from over 20 per cent in the same month last year.
The unemployment rate has continued to decline as the economy reopened in recent months.
The COVID-19 adjusted unemployment rate for October 2021 was 7.9% for all persons including those on the Pandemic Unemployment Paymenthttps://t.co/1AXcFXK9VI #CSOIreland #Ireland #LabourForceSurvey #IrishHouseholds #LabourMarket #LiveRegister #Jobs #Employment #Unemployment pic.twitter.com/tdr4wVqDFN
— Central Statistics Office Ireland (@CSOIreland) November 3, 2021