Their homes are crumbling because of defective material in their construction.
School-children from Donegal are travelling to Leinster House today to demand action over the Mica scandal.
52 kids will highlight how their lives have been affected by having homes built with the faulty mineral.
Campaigners want a 100 per cent redress scheme - and the government is finalising its compensation plan.
Protest organiser Barry Kearney says the children feel very strongly about the controversy.
Today children severely affected by the Mica scandal will be male their way to Leinster House.
— Thomas Pringle (@ThomasPringleTD) October 20, 2021
I urge all TD's, but especially government TD's, to listen to those children. Hear of their trauma, which continues as a result of Government delays to 100% #MicaRedress pic.twitter.com/QwHRpXhbep