A photo emerged over weekend showing Leo Varadkar at the Mighty Hoopla festival in London.
A Fine Gael Senator's defending the Tanaiste's attendance at a UK music festival and is describing the controversy as little more than 'clickbait'.
It's after a photo emerged on social media at the weekend showing Leo Varadkar at the Mighty Hoopla festival in London.
Members of the live entertainment industry have criticised the Tanaiste over his attendance as the sector here remained closed up to today.
While ex-Fine Gael TD Kate O'Connell described it as 'tone deaf'.
But senator Jerry Buttimer says it's a non-story and needs to be kept in context:
NEW: Tánaiste Leo Varadkar told the live events industry that the UK’s reopening is “definitely” not an example to follow, just days before travelling to London to attend a music festival.
— Gabija Gataveckaitė (@gataveckaite) September 6, 2021
Speaking to Radio Kerry, Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien says what the Tanaiste does in his private time is his business
Director of the Performance Corporation Jo Mangan says the optics of his visit weren't good, given the sector here remained shut until today.
She says he should have known better
The Event Industry Alliance says it welcomes Leo Varadkar's apparent recognition that it's safe to run outdoor events at 100% capacity, after Tánaiste seen attending a music festival in London.
— Gavan Reilly (@gavreilly) September 6, 2021
Outdoor gatherings can extend to 75% today but industry says only 100% is viable. pic.twitter.com/2OdVkggCrz