She left the force in 2011
Lisa Smith has pleaded NOT guilty to charges of being a member of ISIS and of trying to finance terrorism.
The trial against the 39-year-old woman, who is a former member of the Irish Defence Forces, is now underway.
After ten years in the army, Lisa Smith applied to be discharged in 2011.
The court heard she had converted to Islam by then and an application to wear a hijab during duty was refused.
Through private Facebook chats, it is the prosecution’s case that she was mentored on certain aspects of Islamic faith.
The prosecuting barrister, Sean Gillane, claimed she discussed her wish to make Hijra, which was described as a call to followers to migrate to areas under ISIS control.
Mr Gillane described the answering of this call as a “central act of allegiance” to what he described as a “proto state.”
She is also accused of trying to finance the terrorist group through an 800e wire transfer that was stopped by authorities in May 2015
The prosecuting barrister in Lisa Smith's trial claims she "enveloped herself in the black flag" of ISIS when she travelled to Syria in 2015.
Smith is on trial accused of being a member of the terrorist organisation and of attempting to finance terrorism.
It is the State’s case that by answering a religious call to migrate to ISIS controlled territory in Syria, Ms Smith pledged her allegiance to the group.
The 39-year-old, who’s from Dundalk, Co Louth, denies both charges.