Licences will soon be required for short term lets
The Government seems set to introduce a major clampdown on properties being rented through Airbnb.
The short term rental market is believed to be partly responsible for the shortage of rental properties for long term leasing in Ireland.
According to The Sunday Business Post licences will soon be required for short term lets - and the law will be enforced by the Residential Tenancies Board.
The meaures, part of the Governments Housing for all policy, could see thousands of homes return to the rental market.
Licences will be required for short-term lets under a Lisbon-style system, while the Residential Tenancies Board will take over the enforcement of the new rules. @KillianWoods and @DonalMacNamee97 report. https://t.co/QY0AAplFVz
— Business Post (@businessposthq) August 22, 2021