Kildare Minsiter of State seeks to reassure farmers that reduction on herd size is not being sought.
A €125 billion plan to cut Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 will be published later.
Cabinet's meeting to sign-off on the Climate Action Plan, which sets sectoral emissions targets for each government department.
The three biggest areas of focus are likely to be transport, the retrofit of homes and agriculture - with the latter facing a reduction target of 22 to 30 percent.
But Junior Agriculture Minister, Kildare South Fine Gael TD, Martin Heydon, is reassuring farmers a reduction in the national herd isn't being considered:
Climate Action plan to slash 500,000 car journeys every day by 2030 https://t.co/wEhKd16yCT
— Irish Independent (@Independent_ie) November 4, 2021
Director of Friends of the Earth, Oisín Coghlan, says the whole agriculture sector will have to cut emissions, not just beef and dairy farmers:
President of the Irish Farmers' Association, Tim Cullinan, is attending the COP26 summit in Scotland this week.
He says the government needs to recognise the vital role farmers play in food production
Much-awaited Climate Action Plan finalised by Cabinet sub-committee https://t.co/Fg9u0jr5G6
— TheJournal.ie (@thejournal_ie) November 3, 2021