The strategy will cost €5 billion in its first five years.
The Government has officially unveiled its Housing For All plan, which promises to deliver 300 thousand homes by 2030.
20 billion euro will be spent implementing the first 5 years of the plan.
It will see the introduction of the shared equity scheme and will eliminate penalties associated with the fair deal scheme.
Taoiseach Michael Martin says the delivery of the plan will take a whole of Government approach.
Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien says the level of investment by the state is unprecedented.
Tánaiste Leo Varadkar says the plan will help to address the serious housing crisis
Pat Doyle, CEO of Peter McVerry Trust which runs Kildare's homelessness services says “Housing for All is a progressive document that will move us closer to achieving a more sustainable housing system that works for all in society. There are a number of key areas where the Minister has taken on board our views and our proposals to help people impacted by homelessness.”