Teacher unions are meeting this week
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is calling for full substitute teacher coverage for all approved teacher absences.
Delegates convening at Congress in Killarney today supported a motion calling for full substitute teacher coverage for all approved teacher absences including all family illness leave, self-certified sick leave and EPV days, for all primary and special schools.
The organisation previously welcomed the establishment of the teacher supply panel scheme which currently provides vital support to schools for short-term absences. However, members now believe that this scheme must be expanded to cover all primary schools.
Lack of substitute teachers for schools often results in splitting classes or having Special Education Teachers, with full caseloads of their own, cover classes, to the detriment of pupils with additional needs.
The union acknowledges that the shortage of fully qualified teachers for substitute cover is a complex issue, with several contributing factors, including accommodation costs, which are particularly exacerbated in urban areas.
There are currently 151 supply panels currently covering 2,850 schools with 610 teaching posts allocated, for the 2022/2023 school year.*
INTO Deputy General Secretary Deirdre O’Connor commented : “Regular access to qualified substitute teachers is essential for the ongoing delivery of primary education. It is morally indefensible that children in primary and special schools are regularly denied fully qualified teachers.
"As a union we fought for the establishment of a national supply panel network to address the challenges experienced for several years in accessing substitute teachers.
"The expansion came about following the conclusion of a successful pilot scheme which proved beyond doubt that this model benefits school communities, who deeply value the scheme and which is working successfully in most areas. The scheme needs to be expanded to all areas of the country.
"A number of crises are currently affecting the ability of schools, particularly in larger urban areas to fill key roles including permanent teaching positions and to recruit staff onto these panels.
"The cost-of-living crisis, the lack of housing and massive increases to rents have exacerbated the problems associated with teacher recruitment," she added.
Ruairi Mac Conduibh, of Athboy Trim proposing the motion at Congress 2023 said: "This should not need to be a motion.
"This should be a basic right in primary education. If an absence is approved sub cover should be provided," he added.