Approx 131,000 students undertaking exams in 2022
This afternoon the State Examinations Commission confirmed its intention to issue Leaving Certificate & Leaving Certificate Applied examination results to candidates on Friday, 2nd September.
The SEC released the details of the arrangements for the 2022 examinations on 1st February.
The Commission notes since that time, it has been "engaged in the planning and delivery of all aspects of the examinations across Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Junior Cycle."
In a statement released to the press, the SEC stated "This has been a significant undertaking in the current year in light of the ongoing effects of Covid-19 on schools; candidates; contract staff and the staff of the SEC."
Approximately 131,000 students are undertaking exams in 2022.
This is an increase of 6%, approximately 7,000 students, compared to 2019 figures - the last time a full set of examinations was run.
The Commission noted "significant factors" which delayed the provision for the issuing of results.
"The SEC has an absolute responsibility to examination candidates to ensure that their work is marked to the highest standards of quality and integrity and the Commission must be able to stand over the results it issues each year."