Staff will now be offered compassionate leave.
Lidl, whose Irish distribution headquarters are in Newbridge, is to become the first company in Ireland to recognise miscarriage as bereavement and offer staff compassionate leave.
We are proud to become the first company across Ireland to recognise early pregnancy loss and miscarriage as a bereavement, offering paid leave as part of our new Compassionate Leave Policy in partnership with the Miscarriage Association of Ireland.https://t.co/RarYIQcm6G
— Lidl Ireland (@lidl_ireland) June 4, 2021
Employees, including at its 10 Kildare stores, who have been impacted by early pregnancy loss will be able to avail of three days leave at full pay.
They will also be able to access mental health supports with up to five free sessions with a professional counsellor.
Lidl's Denise White-Hughes has had three miscarriages and hopes this new policy will allow more people to talk about their experience:
The extension of the policy will offer paid compassionate leave along with a robust support system including 24-hour access to their Employee Assistance Programme for mental health, up to five free sessions with a professional counsellor and a peer or colleague support system.
— Lidl Ireland (@lidl_ireland) June 4, 2021
Denise White-Hughes, says it can be very difficult to go through without support: