18 years old and her sibling twins died in Sept '22
18-year-old Lisa Cash, and her eight-year-old twin brother and sister, Christy and Chelsea Cawley, died after an incident at their family home, on the 4th September 2022.
24-year-old Andy Cash, of Rossfield Avenue, Tallaght, was charged with the three murders on the 5th September last year.
He appeared again today at Cloverhill District Court, where he was served with a book of evidence.
Mr Cash remained silent throughout the hearing, gazing around the courtroom - where some extended family members watched from the public gallery.
He was told he must "notify the State with details and particulars" within 14 days if he intended to use an alibi as part of his defence.
Mr. Cash has yet to indicate a plea.
A date has yet to be scheduled for his appearance before the Central Criminal Court.