There were 11,500 flights in Quarter 2
Latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show the ongoing impact the pandemic is having on the aviation sector.
The number of flights to and from Irish airports between April and June of this year was down 84 per cent compared to the same period in 2019.
There were 11 and a half thousand flights in Q2 2021, compared with 6 thousand 3 hundred during the same period last year.
And although the number of people travelling through Irish airports in Q2 2021 increased by 400 thousand since 2020, it's down 94 per cent when compared with the same period in 2019.
Number of flights to and from Irish airports increase compared to 2020 levels but remain below 2019 levelshttps://t.co/GBrBPQ6Afy #CSOIreland #Ireland #IrishTransport #TransportIreland #Transport #Logistics #Business #BusinessStatistics #AviationStatistics pic.twitter.com/FwHOKlyHOQ
— Central Statistics Office Ireland (@CSOIreland) September 16, 2021