The study by Social Justice Ireland has found that there are over 950,000 people living in poverty in Ireland after housing costs are factored in.
The impact of the housing crisis in Ireland is having a major impact on the country's overall poverty rate, with 371,000 extra people living in poverty because of housing costs.
The overall poverty rate in Ireland increases from 11.6 per cent before housing costs are included to 19 per cent after housing costs are counted.
This means that the real number of people in poverty is 952,185 – almost 1 in 5 of the total population, according to Social Justice Ireland’s latest study.
Renters are the worst affected, with 41.6% at risk of poverty after housing payments, while for households in receipt of rent subsidies, the poverty rate after rent payments is 59.1%.
Households in Local Authority accommodation, the poverty rate after housing payments is 50.5%.
Social Justice Ireland found that lone parents are the worst affected of all household types, with an increase in the poverty rate to 51 per cent after housing payments.
People living with a long-standing health problem are also severely affected, with a poverty rate increasing from 39.1 per cent before housing costs to 53.8% after, the study found.