Threshold is currently dealing with almost 2,000 live eviction cases
Over 4,300 notices of termination were issued by landlords to tenants in the final three months of last year.
Some 43 per cent of them were issued in Dublin, according to the Residential Tenancies Board.
Meanwhile, a leading homeless charity says its clients are "desperate for answers", as the eviction ban lifts.
The Housing Charity Threshold is currently dealing with almost 2,000 live eviction cases and expects that number to rise in the coming months.
The intention to sell a rental property was the most common reason given by landlords issuing notices to quit last year.
Figures from the Residents Tenancy Board show over 4,300 eviction notices were issued in the last three months of 2022.
Some 11 percent of eviction notices were served in Cork.
Carl O’Brien is a Dublin-based property manager and says many renters are struggling to find alternative housing: