20,000 new staff needed to meet recruitment targets.
The HSE National Service Plan for 2022 has been published with a funding allocation of €20.7 billion for the health system.
The plan aims to cut waiting lists, build hospital and other service capacity and progress Sláintecare.
The plan says that the target this year is that 98% of adults and children should be waiting less than 12 months for a planned procedure.
It said that 98% of people should be waiting less than 18 months for first access to an outpatient department clinic.
The HSE has said it must recruit 9,500 people a year just to 'stand still'.
CEO Paul Reid says staff turnover means the health service would need to recruit almost 20,000 new staff in order to meet its recruitment targets.
The HSE came before an Oireachtas Committee last month, after details of an internal meeting with Department of Health officials described recruitment targets as 'fake'.