€47million more than in 2020, an ESRI report has found.
The state paid private landlords over €626 million under two social housing schemes last year.
It's €47 million more than in 2020.
The ESRI shows over half of renting households received support for their housing costs in 2020.
This amounts to almost 294,000 people.
There are two main social housing support schemes for renters - the Rental Accommodation Scheme, and the Housing Assistance Payment.
These involve the state subsidising a tenant's rent while they're in private rental accommodation.
New figures, from the Department of Housing, show over €626 million was paid to landlords under these schemes last year - an increase of 8% on 2020.
Dublin City Council paid out nearly €149 million under HAP and RAS last year.
Other counties with high figures include Kildare, Cork, Louth, Meath and Wicklow.