A survey by Active Retirement Ireland found 60% of its members are struggling to make ends meet
The government is being accused of "moving the goalposts" on its commitments to pensioners.
A new Pension Promise Campaign has been launched today - calling for the state pension to be raised by €53, as promised by Government.
SIPTU, Active Retirement Ireland, Age Action, the Irish Senior Citizens' Parliament and the National Women's Council are uniting to demand the government honour its promise to a state pension at 34% of average earnings.
A survey by Active Retirement Ireland found almost 60% of its members are struggling to make ends meet.
That's despite Ireland having the second lowest spend on older people in Europe.
The campaign accepts a €53 hike in this year's Budget is unlikely, but Nat O'Connor from Age Action expects the government to follow through on this commitment by the end of 2024.
Age Action have said it would like to see a €30 increase to the state pension in this year's budget, bringing it from €265 per week to €295.
Nat O' Connor joined Caoimhe Harney on Monday's Kildare Focus, listen back to the full interview here;