Its appearing before an Oireacthas Committee today.
The government's being urged to introduce a mandatory mediation service to help resolve disputes between shops and landlords.
https://twitter.com/OireachtasNews/status/1412691908598583296?s=20 Retail Excellence will tell an Oireachtas Committee rent's the most significant challenge facing the industry as it emerges from Covid-19.
The representative group will also call for the further easing of restrictions on hospitality, which it says are having a knock-on impact.
Managing Director of Retail Excellence, Duncan Graham, says the issue of rent is a huge problem:
#OireachtasTV - The Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade & Employment meets to discuss the challenges facing the retail sector following the disruption of the Covid pandemic with @RetailExIreland @irishcongress #seeforyourselfhttps://t.co/poaTtaWxIZ https://t.co/HTP6tYH7E7
— Houses of the Oireachtas - Tithe an Oireachtais (@OireachtasNews) July 7, 2021
Duncan Graham, says the sector cannot thrive when hospitality remains restricted: