European Commission says the high cost of defending a defamation action has a chilling effect on media freedom.
A long-awaited review of Ireland’s strict defamation laws is to be published within the next month.
A report on the issue was finished in July, but has sat on the justice minister’s desk since the summer.
This is despite a warning from the European Commission that the high cost of defending a defamation claim is an issue for media freedom.
Heather Humphreys, the justice minister until Helen McEntee returns from maternity leave, says the report will be published soon
Minister Heather Humphreys reveals that a memo on a long awaited review of Ireland's defamation laws will be brought to Cabinet in the next three or four weeks. pic.twitter.com/wyhVXusuLe
— Adam Higgins (@Adam_Higgins27) October 13, 2021