Ulster Banks has warned customers that once the account is frozen it will close 30 days later
Kildare's Ultser Bank customers who received their first email notice in April 2022, will begin to see their current and deposit accounts frozen on or after Friday 11th November and close 30 days later.
Ulster Bank say it will begin with customers who it believes have 'low reliance on these accounts or may have accounts elsewhere.'
The bank's confirmed 25 branches will close on either the 6th or 13th of January and reopen shortly afterwards as Permanent TSB branches.
This includes two branches here in Co.Kildare, Kilcock and Celbridge.
Ulster Bank is encouraging customers who have not yet taken action to begin the process to choose a new provider, to move their transactions and close their current and deposit accounts within their notice period.
The Bank said it will also be taking proactive steps to reach out again to the following groups of customers to offer further support and these higher reliance accounts will not be frozen at this time:
- Personal or Commercial current account customers with six or more transactions in the last 30 days;
- Personal current or deposit account customers who have received a social protection payment in the last 30 days;
- Personal current or deposit account customers in receipt of an inbound payment of €125 or more, in the last 30 days (as this may be their wages);
- Commercial current accounts with a reliance on an overdraft and an account turnover of more than €1,000 in the last 30 days.
Customers can contact Ulster Bank on 0818 210 260 or 00353 1804 7475 if calling from abroad or 1800 656 001 if they have vulnerabilities.
Business customers can call 1800 818 375 or can call their dedicated relationship manager for assistance with moving their accounts.
Ulster Bank is also reminding customers that it will never ask you for passcodes or online banking details in a phone call, email or text - so be alert, as scammers and fraudsters may try to take advantage of the situation.
Ulster Bank will also pause account freezing from 09 December 2022 restarting on or after 06 January 2023 to ensure that no new accounts are frozen over the Christmas period.
In this time period, personal closures will proceed with those who were already frozen prior to 09 December, and did not engage with us to request an extension.