Gerry Hutch was released from custody three weeks ago today
The State is going to oppose Gerry Hutch's attempt to get the taxpayer to foot the legal bill arising from his murder trial.
Last month, the man known as 'The Monk' was found NOT guilty of murdering David Byrne at the Regency Hotel following what was a 52-day trial before the Special Criminal Court.
Gerry Hutch was released from custody three weeks ago today and walked straight out the front door of the court house after being acquitted of David Byrne’s murder.
The prosecution claimed he was one of the gunmen who shot Mr Byrne in the Regency Hotel, but after rejecting the testimony of State-turned witness, Jonathan Dowdall, the judges were not convinced of their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Two others, Jason Bonney, of Drumnigh Wood in Portmarnock; and Paul Murphy, of Cherry Avenue in Swords, were convicted for their roles in the getaway.
After their sentence hearing today, the barrister for the DPP, Sean Gillane, indicated the State’s intention to oppose Gerry Hutch’s application for costs.
A full hearing on the issue will take place on Friday after the judges hand down sentences to Bonney and Murphy.