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with Clem Ryan

Supreme Court Rules Seizure Of Computer From Quirke's Home 'Unlawful'

File image: Rolling News

Patrick Quirke was convicted of the murder of DJ Bobby Ryan

The Supreme Court has ruled that the warrant used to seize Patrick Quirke's computer from his home in Breanshamore, County Tipperary, was unlawful.

The judgement casts doubt on the validity of his conviction for the murder of Bobby 'Mr Moonlight' Ryan.

Bobby Ryan went missing in June 2011.

Almost two years later, Patrick Quirke found his decomposed remains in a run-off tank on a farm he had been leasing at Fawnagown, Co Tipperary.

The farm belonged to Bobby’s girlfriend, Mary Lowry, with whom Patrick Quirke had an affair with sometime before she met the local DJ.

There was no direct evidence linking Quirke to the murder but internet searches for things like human decomposition and forensic DNA assisted the prosecution in painting a circumstantial case against the 53year old, that eventually led to his conviction.

The evidence was found on his computer but the Supreme Court has decided that its seizure was unlawful because the search warrant made no reference to computers.

Today’s decision is significant in that it raises a big question mark over the validity of Patrick Quirke’s murder conviction.

That question wasn’t answered today but the court will convene again later this month to decide how both sides wish to proceed.

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