Health comparable to people in their 70s and 80s.
A new study has found many relatively young homeless people struggle to climb a flight of stairs.
Research from Trinity College looked at 65 homeless people with an average age of 47
A new study published today by @PtTcd researchers at @stjamesdublin finds that homeless people in their 20s,30s & 40s are physically comparable to those housed in their 70s and 80s. More: https://t.co/jlgH2eqjDi #inclusionhealth #researchMATTERS pic.twitter.com/EWzY4qvUtX
— Trinity College Dublin (@tcddublin) May 10, 2021
Many suffered from mobility issues common in people almost twice their age, such as needing a cane to walk.
Dr Julie Broderick, an assistant physiotherapy professor, says it shows the physical effect of homelessness.
Dr Broderick says the findings were dramatic
Kildare resident, Wayne Stanley, of the Simon Communities says this demonstrates why housing is a right: