Proposals would see a limit of 90 days of state accommodation for Ukrainians who arrive in Ireland
The Housing Minister says Ukrainians still need to be given a fair opportunity to work and integrate, and says it needs to be reflected in any changes to entitlements for refugees.
Darragh O’Brien says ‘further discussions are required’ before a decision is made on the period of time Ukrainians can be in state accommodation.
Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien on the proposals discussed at cabinet earlier this week - which sparked a fierce row among the coalition.
Integration Minister Roderic O’Gorman’s proposal would see a limit of 90 days of state accommodation for Ukrainians who arrive in Ireland.
While the Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys is examining if changes can be made to welfare supports offered.
These proposals have been met with sharp opposition from the Irish Refugee Council, with its Chief Executive Officer Nick Henderson describing them as ‘unethical’.