4 in 10 want the budget surplus spent on infrastructure like public transport, housing, hospitals and schools.
The majority of people don't want the Government to spend the budget surplus on tax cuts, according to a new poll.
The Irish Times - Ipsos survey shows investment in infrastructure is what the public wants.
Fine Gael tried to be first out of the budget traps calling for large scale tax cuts for the middle class.
But that seems to be a losing strategy with the party and its leader Leo Varadkar shedding support in this poll and just 9% of voters saying tax cuts are their top priority.
Some 4 in 10 want the budget surplus spent on infrastructure like public transport, housing, hospitals and schools.
A further 25 per cent said public services like health and education should be the priority, followed by 10 per cent wanting welfare increases.
Just 5 per cent said the Government should pay down national debt and 4 per cent wanted to save the money for a rainy day.
Perhaps a budget miscalculation then from Fine Gael with the party under pressure heading into the summer.