Footage emerged on social media showing a blaze outside Trudder House
Gardaí say they came under attack last night at the site of a house earmarked for asylum seekers in County Wicklow.
Six arrests have been made after fires were lit at the scene in Newtownmountkennedy.
Footage emerged on social media showing a blaze outside Trudder House which is being planned for use to accommodate asylum seekers.
Gardaí received both verbal and physical abuse throughout the day, which escalated into rocks and other missiles being thrown at them at the scene last night.
Officers used force including pepper spray to defend themselves as part of an escalated response to the situation and its Public Order Unit carrying helmets and shields and fifty gardai attended the scene late last night.
An axe has been recovered during the public order incident at the site in Newtownmountkennedy but no-one's been injured.
Three Garda Patrol cars have been damaged during the incident, including broken windows and slashed tyres.
A number of trespassers were also identified and removed from the IPAS site last night.
Six people have been arrested and are currently detained at Garda stations in Wicklow.