Cloughan, Mullingar, Westmeath and formerly of Leinster Cottages, Maynooth.
Anthony 'Anto' Nolan, Cloughan, Mullingar, Westmeath and formerly of Leinster Cottages, Maynooth,
Deeply regretted by his wife Nuala, daughters Helen and Sarah, siblings Mary, Rose, Jacinta and Carol, Liam and extended family.
Reposing at Oliver Reilly’s Funeral Home, Leinster St., Maynooth (W23 V99E) on Friday from 6pm to 8pm.
Funeral Mass on Saturday at 10am in St. Mary’s Church, Maynooth.
Mass can be viewed live on the Maynooth Parish website.
Burial in Laraghbryan Cemetery, Maynooth.