Avondale Drive, Kilcullen
Sadie Kenny (née Coogan), Avondale Drive, Kilcullen.
Deeply regretted by her husband Paddy, brothers Seamus, Kevin, Maurice, Michael and Sean, sister Evelyn, and extended family.
Reposing at Doyle’s Funeral Home Ballymount (W91 RX37) on Sunday from 4pm until 8pm with prayers at 7.30pm.
Removal from there by PJ Willis Funeral Director on Monday morning to the Church of the Sacred heart and St Brigid’s Kilcullen, arriving for 11am Funeral Mass.
Funeral Mass can be viewed on https://mcnmedia.tv/Camera/church-of-the-sacred-heart-and-st-brigid-kilcullen.
Funeral afterwards to Holycross Cemetery, Suncroft.