Kfm Podcasts
Clár Sa Charr
Another chance to hear Clár Sa Charr, Kfm's new fun Irish language slot. Clár sa Charr is funded by Coimisiún na Meán with the help of the television licence fee.
Kildare Today
Another chance to hear today's show with Eoin Beatty.
Kildare Sport Organisations Community Footprint
In association with Coimisiún na Meán
A Pets Life
Des the Vet from Gym Dog joins John Dunne every Tuesday at 11.20am to chat all things pet care
Community “Town Hall” Broadcasts
Community “Town Hall” Broadcasts
The Green Room
Gardening tips from Yvonne and Jim of Johnstown Garden Centre
Virtual History Tours
Take a virtual history walk around the towns and villages of Co. Kildare.
Community Diversity in Kildare
Community Diversity in Kildare
Famous Kildare People
Funded by Coimisiún na Meán's Sound and Vision Project, with the Television Licence Fee.
Mind Your Language/Bí Béasach
Learn different words and phrases from just some of the many languages that are spoken here in County Kildare. Funded by Coimisiún na Meán's Sound and Vision Project, with the Television Licence Fee.
Kfm podcasts prior to May 2021 were hosted on the SoundCloud platform - click here to access the Kfm archive:
Kfm Kildare Weather
Sunny intervals
Sunny intervals
Light rain
Light rain shower
Medium-level cloud